August 23rd 2024

Cancelling orders

  • Cancel order for delivery and pickup orders helps manage cancellation requests from customers. Cancel an order to remove the order from live orders and optionally cancel scheduled actions like printing, delivery jobs and POS order injection (if supported).

  • Customer email notifications are now sent from [email protected] if you don’t have a business email (i.e. not,, etc). This will prevent guests receiving delayed or undeliverable order and payment notification emails

  • Scheduled pre order dates can now be set up to 1 year in the future to help with planning your date specific openings and events

🐛 Bug fixes

  • We allowed customers to apply a discount code without entering any text, this resulted in a confusing error, we now highlight the need to enter the code

  • Exporting orders from the all orders page failed when multiple stores were selected

  • Ensure a valid store phone number has been added before you can enable the Nash integration